(Emeritus Scientist)
M.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.C.C., F. M. A. Sc
Director, Centre for Research and Technology Developments,
Sinhgad Institutes, Solapur &
Distinguished Professor & Vice-Chancellor Emeritus
D. Y. Patil University, Kolhapur (India)
Prof. Dr. S. H. Pawar is presently working as the Director, Centre for Research and Technology Developments, Sinhgad Institutes, Solapur and Distinguished Professor of the D. Y. Patil University, Kolhapur. Prior to this position, he has worked as “Vice-Chancellor”, D. Y. Patil University, Kolhapur for two successive terms and also held various important responsibilities like “Emeritus Scientist” CSIR, Delhi, Director, Research & Technology Development, T. K. I. E. T., Warananagar; Coordinator, School of Energy Studies; Professor & Head, University Department of Physics; Acting Registrar and Director, BCUD of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. Prof. Pawar has successfully guided 67 Ph. D., 10 M. Phil and 1 M. Tech. students and presently guiding 10 Ph.D. students in the frontier areas of research in NanoBio Materials science, Nanobiotechnology, Medical Physics, Renewable Energy, Thin films and Solid State Physics, Material Science and High Tc Superconductors Fuel Cells.
He has edited 10 books, written 35 review articles and published more than 800 research papers in National & International Journals and Proceedings of the Conferences. He has 8 patents to his credit. He is an academician with distinguished record and scholastic recognition in the national and international circle of Physicists.
Due to his high quality research, he has bagged number of awards like;
- Materials Research Society of India’s Medal-Bangalore (2002).
- Indian Cryogenics Council's Prof. M. C. Joshi Award, Kolkata (1993)
- Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Award, DST, Delhi (1996).
- Royal Society’s Indo-UK young scientist exchange award (1975)
- U.G.C. National Associate, Delhi (1978)
- Shivaji University First Best Teacher Award (1994)
- Marathi Vidnayan Parishad Award, Mumbai (1993)
- Best Research Paper Awards(Nine) at National and International Conferences
- Vice-Chancellor’s Life Time Achievement Award by World Management Congress and Commonwealth of Distance Education Summit, Delhi (2010).
- Vasantdada Kale Pratisthan Purskar for Excellence in Education Achievements (2013)
- Dr. R. B. Devsthali Memorial Purskar for Excellence in Medical research, Karad (2013)
- International Prize for Best Manager of the year in Science & Education by EBA, Oxford, U.K. (December 2013)
- 3rd CMAI CCI Technical Education Excellence Award 17th July 2015 at Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad.
- “100 Most Influential Vice-Chancellors” Global Ranking Awarded by World Education Congress at Mumbai , 23rd June 2016
In connection with advanced research, he has visited U.K., France and Holland in 1975, Canada in 1978 and Germany and Slovakia in 1997, under the bilateral cultural exchange of Scientists programme, San Diego, California, USA in 2001 and worked in University of Cambridge, U.K. in 2003. At international level, Prof. Pawar has participated in Multinational-Multilateral superconductivity program (2005-2010) between ten scientists from seven different countries, U.S.A, France, South Korea, Austria, Japan, U.K. and India. Under this program, he has visited South Korea in January-February 2005 to attend joint meeting at Jeju Island. Prof. Pawar has visited University of Yangon, Myanmar, March 2005 and November 2005, under the M.O.U signed between Government of India and Union of Myanmar to supervise Ph.D. Students in Myanmar. He has visited National University of Singapore in May 2007. He has also visited Shanghai University, China in November 2011, Bhutan in 2012, Minzu University of China, China in June 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia in July 2013, Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge in September 2013, Going Global Conference at London, UK in June 2015, University of Wollongong, Australia in January 2016 and Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford, UK in June 2016.
He has worked as the Principal Investigator of 23 major Research Projects in Shivaji University and 8 major Research Projects in D.Y. Patil University sanctioned by DST, CSIR, DRDO, MNES and UGC, Delhi and BRNS Mumbai and got research funding more than Rs. 10 crores to develop the research infrastructure. He has been invited as a resource person and delivered more than 500 invited talks and has Chaired number of sessions at national and international conferences and UGC refresher courses. He has been honored by ten different National Research Societies by offering him their memberships.
Prof. Pawar joined as Vice-Chancellor in 2007 of newly established D.Y.Patil University at Kolhapur. Over a decade due to his vision and dedicated efforts he has transformed this University as one of the leading and quality Universities.
He has established Centre for Interdisciplinary Research offering M.Sc. (Medical Physics), M.Sc. (Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine) as well as Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral research programs in the frontier areas of research in medical science. The Centre has earned prestigious research projects in nano-bio technology and allied areas from DST, CSIR, DRDO, UGC and BRNS, Mumbai. Under the able guidance of Prof. Pawar, the University is collaborating with several research institutions and universities of India and the world to advance the frontiers of science and technology.
Prof. Pawar has proved his capacity as dynamic and most influential Vice-Chancellor. He has bagged number of awards and honors to the University such as,
- The University has been declared as ‘A’ Grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
- The University has been awarded ‘Best University Award 2013’ and the Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. (Dr.) S. H. Pawar was presented the title ‘Best Manager of the Year’ in Science and Education Sphere by Europe Business Assembly and the Club of Rectors of Europe, UK during ‘Oxford Summit of Leaders’, December 2013 at Oxford, UK
- The University received 3rd CMAI CCI Technology Education Excellence Awards-2015 at the Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Ahmedabad by Association of India Communication Multimedia and Infrastructure (CMAI).
- The University is honored with ‘Campus Preparedness Award-2015’ by Campus Management, Pune for felicitating the preparedness of India Campuses for Global Excellence.
- D. Y. Patil Medical College, Kolhapur is ranked 49th amongst all Medical Colleges in the country and ranked 15th amongst all Medical Colleges in the State of Maharashtra, as per scientific survey by the Times of India in 2014-2015.
- The University has featured in a publication ‘Universities of India 2008-09-A Knowledge Conclave’ brought out jointly by the Dun and Bradstreet Mindlogix released on 24thJanuary 2009 at Bangalore.
Prof. Pawar has signed MoUs and developed University collaborations with Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai P. R. China (two MoUs), Anglia Ruskin University, UK, Edith Cowan University, Australia and School of Biotechnology, Wollongong University, Australia, Loffo Physico-Technical Institute, Russia, Cambridge University, London (UK.), International Institute of Information Technology, Pune and so on.
Prof. Pawar developed the research culture in frontier and innovative areas which is the specialty of University By virtue of his high quality research publications with good impact factor and high citation index, his research scholars have been selected as Post-Doctoral Fellows and working abroad with our collaborations. Some of his Ph.D. students have been selected by UGC, New Delhi for Dr. D. S. Kothari Post-Doctoral fellowship, Rajeev Gandhi Fellowship and women scientist fellowship at all India level He has completed two terms of Vice-Chancellorship successfully. This is rare achievement and speaks itself for his dynamic academic leadership in higher education. He has been cited as “100 Most Influential Vice-Chancellors” Globally by World Education Congress, at Taj Lands End, Mumbai on 23rd June 2016.