The Department of Mechanical Engineering is established in the year 2010. The regular intake of the department for Bachelor of Engineering is 120 from the academic year 2022-2023. The faculties of the department are well qualified, dynamic, research oriented and competent enough to forge quality mechanical engineers with a good skill set & moral values to serve the society & industry. The department seeks to achieve excellence in education through Project Based Learning. In the process, students are motivated to involve themselves in Lab-Innovations, Mini-Projects & LCD presentations. Our Laboratories have been very well established not only to cover complete syllabus but to motivate students to learn beyond the syllabus. The core values of the department help the students to develop their overall personality and make them worthy technocrat to compete and work at global level. Our department has been conducting workshops/expert lectures/industrial visits/value addition programmes in co-ordination with the student wing of the department i.e. MESA.
About Us
The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 2010-11 with affiliation to University of Solapur, recognized by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State & AICTE, New Delhi with an initial intake of 120 students for UG Programme.
To be recognized as outstanding department in value based technical education, producing well qualified Mechanical Engineers with competent skills to serve the ever changing industrial and social needs
To develop multi-dimensional engineers by:
1.Implementing continuously improving teaching-learning process.
2.Practicing professional ethics in daily activities.
1. To incorporate project based learning in to the curriculum execution.
2. To create an environment suitable for developing research culture.
3. To introduce well designed value addition programmes in order to map with industrial requirements.
4. To strengthen association with industrial world through industrial visits, in-plant trainings and signing MOUs.
5.To provide training essential in enhancing employability and entrepreneurial traits.

Staff Name | Designation | Qualification | Total Experience | Email ID | Resume | Photo |
Dr. R.T. Vyavahare | Vice Principal & HOD Mech | M.E. (Mech. Design), PHD | 20 | ravindra.vyavahare@sknscoe.ac.inc | ![]() | |
Mr. S. T. Jagtap | Asso. Professor | M.E. Design Ph.D. * | 33 | ![]() | ||
Mr. K. S. Mangarulkar | Asst. Professor | M.Tech. Mechanical | 22 | ksmangrulkar.nbnscoe@sinhgad.edu | ![]() | |
Mr. H. D. LagdIve | Asst. Professor | M.E. Mech-Production | 24 | hdlagdive.nbnscoe@sinhgad.edu | ![]() | |
Mr. A. K. Shaikh | Asst. Professor | M.E. Design Ph.D. * | 14 | akshaikh.nbnscoe@sinhgad.edu | Resume | ![]() |
Mr. R. R. Honkalas | Asst. Professor | M.E. Design | 14 | ![]() | ||
Mr. S. H. Lamkane | Asst. Professor | M.E. Design | 14 | shlamkane.nbnscoe@sinhgad.edu | Resume | ![]() |
Mr. Y. B. Shete | Asst. Professor | M.E. Design | 13 | ybshete.nbnscoe@sinhgad.edu | ![]() | |
Mr. S. A. Gurav | Asst. Professor | M.E. Design | 13 | sagurav.nbnscoe@sinhgad.edu | ![]() | |
Mr. A. A. Shaikh | Asst. Professor | M.E. Design | 13 | aashaikh.nbnscoe@sinhgad.edu | ![]() | |
Mr. S. M. Chavan | Asst. Professor | M.E. Design | 12 | sachin.chavan.nbnscoe@sinhgad.edu | ![]() | |
Mr. S. S. Pathak | Asst. Professor | M.E. Manufacturing | 17 |
sumedh.pathak. nbnscoe@sinhgad.edu | ![]() | |
Dr. S. R. Patil | Asst. Professor | PhD,ME (Mechanical)
| 30 | srpatil.sae@sinhgad.edu |
Name of Staff | Designation | Qualification | Experience ( In NBNSCOE) |
Mr. Sushant Navale | Technical Assistant | B.E.MECH M.Tech | 3 |
Mr. Vivek Bharamshetti | Technical Assistant | DME | 1 |
Mr. Mustaq Naikwadi | Technical Assistant | DME | 1 |
Mr. Sahebrao Jagatap | Workshop Attendant | B.COM. ITI | 1 |
Mr. Sanjay Jadhav | Workshop Welder | SSC ITI | 7 |
Mr. Samadhan Sutar | Workshop Attendant | SSC ITI | 8 |
Mr. Prakash Mali | Peon | B.A | 8 |
Mrs. Kusum Boole | Sweeper | 4th Std | 8 |
Lab Photo | Lab Name | Lab Details |
![]() | Automatic Control Engineering Lab Area of Lab: 72.5 Sq. M. | DC Motor Speed Controller Closed Loop System, A C motor speed controller ( Open loop System ) The total cost of equipments is 35910/- Prof.K.S.Mangrulkar Lab In-charge |
![]() | Advanced Computer Programming Lab Area of Lab: 72.5 Sq. M. | Dell 380 Computer, 24 Port Dlink Switch, 8 Port Dlink Switch, Acer Computer- Small, Acer Computer - Big, Switch Rack The total cost of equipments is 569896/- Prof.A.A.Shaikh Lab In-charge |
![]() | Apllied Thermodynamics Area of Lab: 72.5 Sq. M | Flash point and fire point apparatus, Bomb calorimeter,Grease penetro meter,Red wood visco meter,Cloud and pour point apparatus,Steam calorimeter,Test Rig of two stage reciprocating air copressor,Gas analyzer with accessories The total cost of equipments is 549675/- Prof. S.A Gurav Lab In-charge |
![]() | Automoblie Engineering Lab Area of Lab:144.5 Sq. M. | Working model for demosnstration of Chassis - Cut section model of Maruti Van MPFI with Drive Motor,Cut section model of Fluid Flywheel & Torque Convertor,Cut section model of Sliding Mesh Gear Box,Electronic Ignition system of an automobile -Board Mounted,Model of Double Shoe Brake,Model of Band Brake,Model of Band & block The total cost of equipments is 35910/- Prof. S.T.Jagtap Lab In-charge |
![]() | CAD/CAM Lab Area of Lab: 144.5 Sq. M. | Creo Parametic (Pro-E),Catia V6-PLM Discover pack-UDK, Automation Studio version- 5.7 perpetual seat license,Ansys 14.5,Dell- 24 (390 with Graphics Card),CNC Milling Machine,Hyperworks Software,Matlab Software Toolbox,Auto CAD- Educational Version,1020HP Laser Printer,Epson LX 1170,HP Scanner,Canon LBP 2900,Sony LCD Projector The total cost of equipments is 4893960/- Prof. S. H. Lamkane Lab In-charge |
![]() | Fluid Machinery & Fluid Power Lab Area of Lab: 144.5 Sq. M. | Pelton wheel test rig,Francis Turbine test rig,Centrifugal pump test rig, Automation studio version 5.7,Hydraulic circuits Trainer with gear pump test rig,Pneumatic circuits Trainer / test rig The total cost of equipments is 1237695/- Prof. Y. B. Shete Lab In-charge |
![]() | Heat Transfer Lab Area of Lab: 144.5 Sq. M. | Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Powder, Composite wall Apparatus, Forced Convection Apparatus,Natural Convection Apparatus,Emissivity measurement apparatus,Heat Pipe Apparatus,Pin Fin- Loosing Heat in Natural Convection, Steafan Boltzman Apparatus,Critical Heat Flux Apparatus,Parallel and Counter flow Heat Exchanger,Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod The total cost of equipments is 400500/- Prof. S. A. Gurav Lab In-charge |
![]() | Internal Combustion Engines Lab Area of Lab: 144.5 Sq. M. | Computerized VCR Engine Test Set up ( Diesel),Morse Engine Test set up ( Maruti 800 (MPFI) The total cost of equipments is 1021500/- Prof.R. R. Honkalas Lab In-charge |
![]() | Machine Drawing & Computer Graphics Area of Lab: 144.5 Sq. M. | Dell-(390),Canon LBP 2900,Dell 380 Computer,24 Port Dlink Switch,16 Port Dlink Switch,8 Port Dlink Switch,Acer Computer,Switch Rack The total cost of equipments is 1163846/- Prof.S.H.Lamkane Lab In-charge |
![]() | Metallurgy Lab Area of Lab: 72.5 Sq. M. | Binocular Metallurgical Microscope,Microscope Trinocular with computerized attachment,Std. Metallurgical Microstructures Set,Muffle Furnace,Red die penetrant test piece with std. crack sample,Desicator The total cost of equipments is 174420/- Prof. H. D. Lagdive Lab In-charge |
![]() | Metrology & Mechanical Measurements Area of Lab: 72.5 Sq. M. | Vernier,Micrometer,Height Gauge,Bore gauge,Angle Plate,Magnetic Stand ,Dial Gauge – Lever type,Plunger type ,Slip Gauge Set,Inside Micrometer,Outside Micrometer,Mechanical Comparator Set,Sine bar ,Bevel Protractor,Angle Gauges ,Gear Tooth Vernier Calliper,Profile Projector,Optical flat Apparatus with monochromatic light sourceScrew Thread Gauge,Floating Carriage diameter measuring machine with thread measuring wire set,) load cell with hooks witn 3mtr long cable ,Dead weight Pressure gauge Tester,Surface Plate,Resistance Temperature Detector,Thermocouple & Thermistors Model ,Orifice, Venturi, Rotameter Trainer,Digital Stroboscope,LVDT Setup Model The total cost of equipments is 626837/- Prof. H.D.Lagdive Lab In-charge |
![]() | Manufacturing Processes Lab Area of Lab: 72.5 Sq. M. | Sand rammer,Rammer base block,Sieve shaker with sieve set ,Rapid moisture meter,Permeability meter,Universal strength machine,Tensile strength attachment ,Shear strength attachment,Mould hardness tester,Tensile core box,Sand muller The total cost of equipments is 125000/- Prof. S. M. Chavan Lab In-charge |
![]() | Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Lab Area of Lab: 144.5 Sq. M. | Refrigeration Tutor,Ice Plant Trainer 30 kg/day,Air Conditioning Trainer 1 T.R.,Vapour Asborption Refrigeration Trainer, The total cost of equipments is 247793/- Prof. Y. B. Shete Lab In-charge |
![]() | Theory of Machines Lab Area of Lab: 72.5 Sq. M. | Motorized Gyroscope,Involute gear tooth profile generator,Static and Dynamic Balancing set up,Universal Vibration apparatus,Cam Analysis apparatus,Governor apparatus, Pantograph,Watts Mechanism,Withworth Quick Return,Scotch Yoke,Peaucellier Mechanism,Friction Clutch,Rope drive,Double Hooks Coupling,Slider crank Mechanism,Model of Belt Drive,Model of Dynamometer with Motor ,Steering mechanism Davis and Ackerman The total cost of equipments is 247793/- Prof. K. S. Mangrulkar Lab In-charge |
Placement AY 2022-2023
Placement AY 2021-2022
Placement AY 2020-2021
Placement AY 2019-2020
Placement AY 2018-2019
Placement AY 2017-2018
Placement AY 2016-2017
Placement AY 2015-2016
Placement AY 2014-2015
Placement AY 2013-2014
BE Mechanical Result University Exam 2022-223 SEM-II Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks | % Marks / Grade |
1 | 1 | HANDE ANIKET ARUN | 766/950
| 80.63% |
| 765/950 | 80.52% |
| 764/950 | 80.42% |
BE Mechanical Result University Exam 2021-22 SEM-II Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks | % Marks / Grade |
1 | 1 | Mhanta Aditya Venkatesh
| 893/950
| 94% |
2 | 2 | Patil Vinayak Vijaykumar
| 886/950 | 93.26% |
3 | 3 | Tamboli Saddam Ilahi
| 884/950 | 93.05% |
4 | 4 | Babar Praphull Yuvaraj | 882/950 | 92.84% |
5 | Adki Rahul Babu | 882/950 | 92.84% |
BE Mechanical Result University Exam 2020-21 SEM-II Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks | % Marks / Grade |
1 | 1 | Binu Koshy
| 1453/1600 | 90.81% |
2 | 2 | Sunkoji Shivaratan Shrinivas
| 1438/1600 | 89.87% |
3 | 3 | Patil Kamalesh Deepak
| 1436/1600 | 89.75% |
4 | 4 | SheteAbhishek Kshiranand
| 1435/1600 | 89.68% |
5 | 5 | Dhulam Rushikesh
| 1423/1600 /6200 | 85.94 % |
BE Mechanical Result University Exam 2019-20 SEM-II Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks | % Marks | Grade |
1 | 1 | SHAIKH SOHEL SHAKIL | 4045 | 87.21 | 9.45 |
2 | 2 | BHORE SHANTKUMAR DEVIDAS | 3975 | 86.73 | 9.44 |
3 | 3 | RANGAM SURAJ GOVARDHAN | 3972 | 85.88 | 9.54 |
4 | 4 | ANDE PAVAN SHRINIWAS | 3968 | 84.73 | 9.4 |
5 | 5 | DOMAL VISHAL ARVIND | 3937 | 84.36 | 9.45 |
TE Mechanical Result University Exam 2019-20 SEM-II Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks | % Marks |
1 | 1 | Patil Kamalesh Deepak | 1439 | 87.21 |
2 | 2 | Dhulam Rushikesh Nagendra | 1431 | 86.73 |
3 | 3 | Nannaware Vijay Dattatray | 1417 | 85.88 |
4 | 4 | Binu Koshy Samuel | 1398 | 84.73 |
5 | 5 | Pawar Kiran Sharad | 1392 | 84.36 |
SE Mechanical Result University Exam 2019-20 SEM-II Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks | % Marks | Grade |
1 | 1 | GAIKWAD PRADIP NITIN | 1248 | 82.11% | 9.54 |
2 | 2 | KATALE RAHUL GOVIND | 1246 | 81.97% | 9.57 |
3 | 3 | PATIL VINAYAK VIJAYKUMAR | 1243 | 81.78% | 9.41 |
4 | 4 | KAWADE SAGAR VITTHAL | 1219 | 80.20% | 9.3 |
5 | 5 | KASABE ABHIJIT CHANGDEV | 1193 | 78.49% | 9.41 |
BE Mechanical Result University Exam 2019-20 SEM-I Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks(800) | % Marks / Grade |
1 | 1 | SHAIKH SOHEL SHAKIL | 692 | 86.50% |
2 | 2 | VHANMANE ONKAR MALLESHA | 691 | 86.38% |
3 | 4 | RANGAM SURAJ GOVARDHAN | 679 | 84.88% |
4 | 5 | BHORE SHANTKUMAR DEVIDAS | 677 | 84.63% |
TE Mechanical Result University Exam 2019-20 SEM-I Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks(700) | % Marks / Grade | |
1 | 1 | PATIL KAMLESH DEEPAK | 704 | 85.33 | |
2 | 2 | NANNAWARE VIJAYDATTATRAYA | 689 | 83.52 | |
3 | 3 | DHULAM RUSHIKESH NAGENDRA | 687 | 83.27 | |
4 | 4 | PAWAR KIRAN SHARAD | 674 | 81.7 | |
5 | 5 | KOSHY BINU SAMUEL | 665 | 80.61 |
SE Mechanical Result University Exam 2019-20 SEM-I Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks(700) | % Marks / Grade | |
1 | 1 | KATALE RAHUL GOVIND | 553 | 79.00/9.40 | |
2 | 2 | PATIL VINAYAK VIJAYKUMAR | 545 | 77.86/8.85 | |
3 | 3 | GAIKWAD PRADIP NITIN | 544 | 77.71/8.95 | |
4 | 4 | KAWADE SAGAR VITTHAL | 528 | 75.43/8.80 | |
5 | 5 | KASABE ABHIJEET CHANGDEV | 527 | 75.29/9.10 |
BE Mechanical Result University Exam March/April 2019 Ranker
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks(1600) | % Marks / Grade |
1 | 1 |
| 1363 | 85.18 % |
2 | 2 | Aswale Yogesh Baburao | 1332 | 83.25 % |
3 | 3 | Shejal Aakanksha Birappa | 1320 | 82.50 % |
4 | 4 | Munnoli Rutwij Mahadev | 1318 | 82.38 % |
5 | 5 | Watharkar Prathamesh Balasaheb | 1313 | 82.06 % |
TE Mechanical Result University Exam March/April 2018 Rankers
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks(1600) | % Marks / Grade |
1 | 1 | Madyalkar Akshay Anesh | 1378 | 86.13 |
2 | 2 | Patil Rushikesh Dipak | 1346 | 84.13 |
3 | 3 | Mali Samarth Baban | 1320 | 82.50 |
4 | 4 | Chavan Abhijeeet Anant | 1316 | 82.25 |
5 | 5 | Dhule Aditya Siddharam | 1313 | 82.06 |
SE Mechanical Result University Exam March/April 2019 Rankers
Sr. No. | Rankers | Name of Students | Total Marks(1600) | %Marks/Grade |
1 | 1 | DHULAM RUSHIKESH NAGENDRA | 1397 | 87.3 |
2 | 2 | NANNAWARE VIJAY DATTATRAY | 1358 | 84.9 |
3 | 3 | PATIL KAMALESH DEEPAK | 1357 | 84.8 |
4 | 4 | BIRADAR DIPAK ASHOK | 1303 | 81.4 |
5 | 5 | PURUD PUSHKARAJ GIRISH | 1275 | 79.7 |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher
Consolidated Summary 2022-23
Sr. No | Name of Teacher | Other Author | Title of paper/Book | Name of journal(with UG Journal No.) | ISSN/ISBN of journal | Year of Publication | Volume No./issue No. | Level |
1 | Prof.R.R.Honkalas | Bhagesh Deshmukh Prabhakar Pawar | Review on design and efficiency Improvement of worm and worm wheel of gear motor | Journal of physics | doi:10.108817426596 /1969/1/012023 | 2023 | International | |
2 | Prof.R.R.Honkalas | Bhagesh Deshmukh Prabhakar Pawar | Investigation and analysis o existing design of worm an worm wheel of gear motor in soot blowe | Material today proceeding | 2214-7853 | 2023 | Matpr.2022. 09.098 | International |
3 | R.T.Vyavhare | A.B.Lingemali | Analysis of noise isolation performance of recycled rubbers & coco peat composite material | International journal of advanc industrial engineering | E-ISSN 2320-5539 | 2023 | Vol.11, no.2 | International |
4 | R.T.Vyavhare | A.B.Rathod | Identification & analysis of musculoskeletal disorder among Indian truck driver | |||||
5 | R.T.Vyavhare | A.B.Rathod | Categorizing and ranking comfort design requirements of transportation busses in india | |||||
6 | R.T.Vyavhare | Basavraj.R.Birajdar | A review on epoxy polymer matrix composite its mechanical and thermal properties | |||||
7 | A.K. Shaikh | S.H.Lamkane | Applying mind mapping technique in formulating problems while using desig thinking approach. | National Conference on NE 2020, Sindhi College. | 978-93-5779-945-4 | 2022 | National |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher
Consolidated Summary 2020-21
Sr. No | Name of Teacher | Other Author | Title of paper/Book | Name of journal(with UGC Journal No.) | ISSN/ISBN of journal | Year o Publica ion | Volume No./issue No. | Level |
1 | Prof.M.R.Sapali | Rushikesh dulham,shivrantnan sunkoji, Nikhil ankhushe, rohan aakhade | Design of enhancement in water filling system in rake of train | International research journal of engineering and technology (IRJET) | e-ISSN:2395- 0056 p-ISSN:2395- 0072 | 2021 | Volume 8 Issue 5 | International |
2 | Dr. R.T. Vysvahare | A.B.Lingemali | Composite material and analysis technique | International Journ of current Engineering and Technology | e-ISSN:2277- 4106 p-ISSN:2347- 566 | 2020 | Volume No. 10 | International |
3 | Dr. R.T. Vysvahare | MN Gund | Investigation on Mechanical properties of Carbon/coir Fiber and Epoxy Hybrid composite material | 2021 | International | |||
4 | Prof.A.K.Lavanis | Dr.A.K.Bewoor Prof.S.M.Nagure | Manufacturing processes -III | 2020 | Volume 1 | State | ||
5 | Prof.Rahul.R.Honkalas | H.B.Kulkarni R.A.Goli. etc | Design modeling an fabrication smart PVC pouches counting machine | International conference on futuristic trends in mechanical engineering | 2020 | Volume 10 No 6 | International | |
6 | Prof.Rahul.R.Honkalas | H.B.Kulkarni P.R.Kubade | Analysis and performance optimization of variable compression ratio diesel engine using canola oil based biodiesel | Iraniun journal of energy and envoirnment | ISSN-2079-2115 | 2020 | International | |
7 | Prof.Rahul.R.Honkalas | Bhagesh deshmukh Prabhakar pawar | A review on design and efficiency improvement of worm and worm wheel of gear moto | IRNAS2021 | 2021 | International |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher
Consolidated Summary 2018-19
Sr. No | Name of Teacher | Other Author | Title of paper/Book | Name of journal(with UGC Journal No.) | ISSN/ISBN of journal | Year of Publication | Volume No./issue No. | Level |
1 | Dr. R.T. Vyavahare | A.P.Kumbhar S.G.Kulkarni | Vibrational response and mechanical properties characteristics of aluminum alloy | AIP conference proceeding 1966 | 1551-7616 | 2018 | doi: 10.106311. 5038715 | International |
2 | A.K.Shaikh | S.H.Lamkane | Effective teaching learning methodologies for entrepreneurship education | Indian journal of research | 2231-6655 | 2019 | Volume 5 | International |
3 | S.H.Lamkane | S.D.Nawale | Active learning teaching methodologies and modern assessment techniques. | Indian journal of research | 2231-6655 | 2019 | Volume 5 | International |
4 | S T jagtap
| Dr kallurkar | Design and analysis of an Indexible seat for Ault and Children
| JRASET21759
| ISSN 2321-9653
| 2019 | Volume 7, Issue IV | International |
5 | S T jagtap
| Dr kallurkar | Application of QFD for Design Improvement of Car Rear Seat
| IJARIIT 2018
| ISSN2454- 132X
| 2019 | Volume 4, Issue 3 | International |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher | ||||||||
Consolidated Summary | ||||||||
Sr. No. | Name of the Teacher | Other Authors if any | Title of paper/ Book | Name of Journal (with UGC Journal No.) | ISSN/ISBN of Journal | Year of Publication | Volume no./ Issue No. | Level |
1 | Hrushikesh B. Kulkarni | V.C. Gavali, P. R. Kubade | Mechanical and Thermo mechanical properties of carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composite fabricated using fused deposition modeling (FDM) method: A review’ | International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) | ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001 | 2018 | Volume no.8 Issue No.1 | International Journal |
2 | Hrushikesh B. Kulkarni | SalunkePrathmesh Mahesh | Evaluation of performance characteristics and exhaust gas analysis of VCR engine at different compression ratio and loads’ | Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment | ISSN:2079-2115 | 2017 | Volume no.8 Issue No.3 | International Journal |
3 | Hrushikesh B. Kulkarni | Suraj S. Mahamuni, Prajakta M. Gaikwa, Mayur A Pula, ShubhamMahamuni, Sagar H. Bandsode, Aniket A. Kulkarni, Yogesh B. Shete, S. A. Nehatrao | Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Epoxy/Graphite Composites | International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies | E-ISSN2249–8974 | 2018 | Volume no.6 Issue No.1 | International Journal |
4 | Hrushikesh B. Kulkarni | Prathmesh M. Salunke , Akash M. Waghchavare , Sudarshan S. Kurle | Solar Energy and its Applications-Need, Overview and Future Scope | International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | ISSN: 2321-9653 | 2017 | Volume no.5 Issue No.12 | International Journal |
5 | Prof. ALIM APPALAL SHAIKH , | Prof. Kiraneshwar Goli. | Stress Analysis of V Notches on the Components using Photo elasticity and FEM | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN ENGINEERING & RESEARCH | ISSN- 2455–1457 | 2017 | Volume no.3 Issue No.12 | International Journal |
Sr. No. | Name of the Teacher | Other Authors | Title of paper/ Book | Name of Journal (with UGC Journal No.) | ISSN/ISBN of Journal | Year of Publication | Volume no./ Issue No. | Level |
6 | Shailesh A. Nehatrao
| H.B. Kulkarni | Design of Transmission System for Go-Kart Vehicle
| International Journal of Engineering and Techniques
| ISSN 2395-1303 | Apr 2018 | Volume No 4 Issue 2 | International Journal |
7 | Prof. K. S. Mangrulkar
| Prof. M.D. Shah Mr. H.B. Kulkarni | Design and Analysis of Gudgeon Pin to Minimize Stress Concentration
| International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER)
| ISSN: 2455-1457 | 2018 | Volume No 4 Issue 2 | International Journal |
8 | AvinashLavnis.
| Rutwij Munnoli | Gesture controlled X-RHex (2.0) robot
| International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology | ISSN: 2454-132X
| 2018 | Volume No 4 Issue 4 | International Journal
9 | Hemant D. Lagdive
| MalluBhojappa Mane | Design of frame for a wall mounted indoor swing
| International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology | ISSN: 2454-132X
| 2018 | Volume No 4 Issue 3 | International Journal |
10 | Prof. S.A.Nehatrao
| SannakeAniket S, Shaikh Sameer R., Khandare Shubham A.
| Design and Analysis of Go-kart Chassis
| International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education | ISSN(O)-2395-4396
| 2018 | Volume No 4 Issue 2 | International Journal
Research / Books Publications by Teacher |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher |
Research / Books Publications by Teacher |
11 | Hemantkumar Vinod Shinde | Dr. J Jerald | Experimental Investigation of High Speed Micro-Drilling on SS 316L Material Using GRA | IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) | ISSN (e): 2250-3021 | 2018 | Vol. 08, Issue 6 | International Journal |
12 | Prof. K. S. Mangrulkar
| Prof. M.D. Shah Mr. H.B. Kulkarni | Design and Analysis of Gudgeon Pin to Minimize Stress Concentration- A Review
| International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) | ISSN: 2321-9653 | 2018 | Volume No 6 Issue III | International Journal |
13 | Prof.Rahul Rajan Honkalas
| Prof. H.B. Kulkarni | Analysis and Performance Optimization of Variable Compression Ratio Diesel Engine using Canola Oil Based Biodiesel
| Iranian (Iranica) Journal of Energy & Environment | ISSN: 2079-2123 | 2020 | Volume No 11 Issue I | International Journal |
14 | Prof. Hemant Lagdive
| Mr. Nagesh S Gorre | A Review of Multicone Synchromesh Transmission
| IJIRMF | ISSN:2455-0620 | 2019 | Volume No 5
| National |
15 | Prof. Hemant Lagdive
| Mr. Nagesh S Gorre | Determination of fatigue life of Sintered Inner Ring used in multicone synchromesh Transmissions | IRJET | ISSN: 2395-0056 | 2019 | Volume No 6
| National |
16 | Prof. Nitin Morkane
| Mr. Datta Patil | Deflection of Dual Rotor Wind Turbine Pinion Tooth by Numerical Method | IRJET | ISSN:2395-0056 | 2018 | Volume No 11 Issue IV | International Journal |
17 | Prof. K. S. Mangrulkar
| NA | Design & Analysis of Gudgeon Pin to minimize Stress Concentration | IJRASET | ISSN: 2321-9553 | 2018 | Volume No 6 Issue IV | International Journal |
18 | Prof. K. S. Mangrulkar
| NA | Analysis of stress concentration on cutout orientation in plates | IJIRMF | ISSN: 2455-0620 | 2018 | Volume No 4 Issue IV | International Journal |
Summary of STTP / FDP/ STP/Workshop/Seminar
Year | Activity | Dates | No of Participants | |
1 | 2022-2023 | FDP on Electric Vehicle | 27/02/23 to 03/03/23 | 48 |
2 | 2020-2021 | FDP Open-source software used in drafting modeling and analysis | 28/06/21 to 02/07/21 | 202 |
Sr No | Academic Year | Activity | Title of Program | Date | No of Participants |
1 | 2019-20 | Seminar | 3D Printing : Introdcution, Applications & Career Opportunities. | 23rd Jan 2020 | 350 |
2 | 2019-20 | Seminar | Awarness of skills required after Graducation | 25th July 2019 | 243 |
3 | 2019-20 | Seminar | Introduction to TTL – RE Program | 7th Aug 2019 | 80 |
4 | 2019-20 | Online Training | TTL DRE Program | Oct. 2019 to July 2020 | 50 |
5 | 2018-19 | Hands-on Training | MITCON CNC Training | 16-11-2018 to 10-01-2019 | 31 |
6 | 2018-19 | Seminar | Recent trend sin CAD/CAM/CAE | 2/6/2019 | 240 |
7 | 2018-19 | Value Addition Program | CATIA Training | 13-06-2019 to 30-6-2019 | 26 |
8 | 2018-19 | Value Addition Program | CATIA Training | 20-12-2018 to 05-01-2019 | 16 |
9 | 2018-19 | Online Training | TTL DRE Program on CATIA | Oct. 2018 to May 2019 | 130 |
- Lab Innovation AY- 2022-23
- Lab Innovation AY- 2021-22
- Lab Innovation AY- 2020-21
- Lab Innovation AY- 2019-20
- Lab Innovation AY- 2018-19
- Lab Innovation AY- 2017-18 SEM-I
- Lab Innovation AY- 2016-17 SEM-II
- Lab Innovation AY- 2016-17 SEM-I
- Lab Innovation AY- 2015-16 SEM-II
- Lab Innovation AY- 2015-16 SEM-I
Academic Year 2022-23 | |||||
Sr. No. | Name of Visit | Date of Visit | Class | Number of faculty | Number of students |
1 | S. T. Workshop, Solapur | 16/01/23 | SY | 02 | 38 |
2 | Rajyog Toyota | 27/05/23 | SY | 02 | 33 |
3 | Ujani Hydro Power Plant | 24/06/23 | SY | 03 | 38 |
4 | Precision Camshaft Pvt. Ltd., Solapur | 24/11/23 | SY & TY | 02 | 60 |
5 | Precision Camshaft Pvt. Ltd., Solapur | 17/06/23 | SY | 02 | 30 |
Academic Year 2021-22 | |||||
Sr. No. | Name of Visit | Date of Visit | Class | Number of faculty | Number of students |
1 | Pise Industries, Solapur | 29/03/2022 | SY-A,SY-B & TY | 03 | 63 |
2 | ”Vijay Engineers Solapur” | 29/04/2022 | TY | 02 | 35 |
3 | ”Precise Engineers Solapur” | 29/04/2022 | TY | 02 | 35 |
Academic Year 2019-20 | |||||
Sr. No. | Name of Visit | Date of Visit | Class | Number of faculty | Number of students |
1 | Pise Industries, Solapur | 19/9/2019 | SE-A & B | 02 | 65 |
2 | Water Purification Plant, Pakani | 3/10/2019 &4/10/2019 | TE-A,B & C | 04 | 153 |
3 | Dudh Pandhari, Milk Processing Unit, Solapur | 17/09/2019 & 18/09/2019 | BE-A,B,C & D |
06 | 215 |
4 | Shubham Wheels, Solapur | 17/09/2019, 18/09/2019 & 19/09/2019 | BE-A,B,C & D |
06 | 215 |
Sr. No | Academic Year | Name of Student | Inward/Outward | Name of the Institute | Date/Period of activity | Name of activity | Level (International /National/State /University/College | Winner / Runner |
1 | 2022-23 | Rahul Sanjay Bangalkoti & Team | O | Uddyam PAHSUI Solapur | 6/21/2023 | Skillathon- 2023 | University | Winner |
2 | 2022-23 | Mr Parmod Chaugule | I | N B Navale Sinhgad College of Engineering, Solapur | 6/9/2023 | PRAYOG 2K23 | College | RunnerUP |
3 | 2022-23 | Pramod Gate | I | N B Navale Sinhgad College of Engineering, Solapur | 6/9/2023 | PRAYOG 2K23 | National | RunnerUP |
4 | 2021-22 | Onkar Mahadik | I | N B Navale Sinhgad College of Engineering, Solapur | 6/3/2022 | PRAYOG 2K22 | National | Winner |
5 | 2021-22 | Swaraj Ghongade | I | N B Navale Sinhgad College of Engineering, Solapur | 30.10.2021 | TECHNOSINH 2K21 | National | Winner |
6 | 2021-22 | Borade Nishant | I | N B Navale Sinhgad College of Engineering, Solapur | 6/3/2022 | PRAYOG 2K22 | National | RunnerUP |
7 | 2019-20 | Noaman Shaikh | 0 | Government Pplytechnic Solapur | 12.03.2020 | Dista 2k20 | National | RunnerUP |
8 | 2019-20 | Noaman Shaikh | 0 | N.K. Orchid college of Engg.Solapur | 11.3.2020 | Orchitech 2k20 | National | Winner |
9 | 2019-20 | Noaman Shaikh | 0 | N.K. Orchid college of Engg.Solapur | 11.3.2020 | Orchitech 2k20 | National | RunnerUP |
10 | 2019-20 | Apruva Deshmukh | O | A G Patil Institute of Technology Solapur | 3/7/2019 | AG TechFest 2k19 | National | RunnerUP |