JT Secretory's Message

Mr. Sanjay S. Navale
Joint Secretary, SPSPM, Kamlapur.
Campus Director NBNSCOE, Solapur.
We are living in an era where technology is advancing faster than we could have ever imagined. In order to keep pace with the changing scenario, we need to acquire a professional education, which will help us in developing our human resources according to global needs.
At SINHGAD Institute Campus, Solapur we create right atmosphere for nurturing young minds towards Management, Technology and Social activities. The Campus is well equipped with all necessary facilities to acquire a sound knowledge of theoretical as well as practical aspects of the academic discipline that students should pursue.
To give a platform to showcase the hidden talent of our student, we bring out the college magazine every year. Another purpose of publishing the magazine is to inform the students, parents and public about the various activities performed at our Campus. The college magazine viz, Sahityagad provides a medium to express their views, opinions and suggestions, which would otherwise go unnoticed.
I wish the entire team good luck in their endeavours.
All the Best !!!
Mr. Sanjay S. Navale
Joint Secretary, SPSPM, Kamlapur.